Sunday, June 21, 2009


i used to be addicted to this stuff from the SevenEleven across the street from jake's and my (grammar?) high school... but naturally it's more authentic from the giant carafes at the little Mexican joints that speckle LA, and more original if you make yer own. i kind of just throw things together and keep adding stuff by feel and taste, but i looked up the proportions so as not to get yall making sick ass cinamon water; however, add or subtract anything so that it pleases your pallate.

foodstuff: (4 servings)
- 4 c. H20
- 1/2 c. rice (i used jasmine brown, but any will do)
- 1/2 - 1 t. cinnamon or 1/2 - 1 cinnamon stick if you have one
- 1/2 t. vanilla
- 1/4 c. sweetner (*piloncillo, white/brown sugar or honey, agave, maple syrup, etc. to impart a more nuanced flavor)


1. let rice soak overnight in the water
2. cook rice as you normally would and slowly integrate the cinnamon, vanilla, and sweetner
3. once the rice is kinda soupy let it cool for 5-10 mins
4. liquidify the rice in a blender and semi-finely strain the mixture
5. refridgerate the drainage (in a jug) and the mess you strained (in a bowl/tupperware) for:
- a cool cinnamony rice drink (best served with blended ice) &
- rice pudding (maybe add some soaked raisins/craisins/cranberries)